Who are the key stakeholders in agile?

key stakeholders in agile

When organizing the sprint review we must know who should be there in order for our scrum to work. The team of course should present the product increment so without them there will be no review. Also, we must know who will listen, observe the presentation and give relevant feedback – the stakeholders. Who is […]

What is a story point in agile?

Story point in agile

To estimate how much work to plan you need a unit of measure. Forget about estimating time – it’s time for story points! A story point in agile is a unit of measure representing the work that needs to be finished to meet the definition of done. Agile teams use story points in the process […]

How scrum master supports sprint planning

Scrum master supports sprint planning

Sprint planning involves the Product Owner and Developers. The Product Owner comes to the meeting with a set of features desired to be developed in the upcoming iteration. Developers must come up with a plan on how to implement those features into working software. Scrum master supports Sprint Planning Meeting by helping the Product Owner […]

How scrum master supports sprint review

How scrum master supports sprint review

During a sprint review meeting, the scrum team should present product increment and receive necessary feedback from stakeholders. It is the most important opportunity to inspect product development and adapt it to stakeholders’ needs. Scrum master supports sprint review by ensuring it takes place, everyone understands its purpose, and by finding ways to improve it […]

Presentation on a sprint review. Communication workshops.

Presentation for sprint review

Once at the sprint review I noticed that the stakeholders didn’t pay attention and obviously didn’t understand a word in technical language that has been used, that made me think about how to make an effective presentation for sprint review. The way to make an effective presentation on a sprint review is to use the […]

How to calculate the capacity

How to calculate capacity

Capacity in scrum can be calculated using the team’s past velocity data and developers’ availability in future iterations. Use my template to calculate the capacity for a scrum team. If you work in SCRUM, and even more so in SAFE as a Scrum Master – then you need to know the capacity of the teams […]

Sposób na obliczenie Capacity

sposób na obliczenie capacity

  Wykorzystaj mój szablon do obliczania capacity dla zespołu scrumowego Jeżeli pracujesz w SCRUM, a tym bardziej w SAFE jako Scrum Master – to potrzebujesz znać capacity zespołów przed planowaniem sprintu lub Program Increment’u. W tym artykule znajdziesz sposób na obliczenie capacity oraz gotowy do pobrania szablon w formacie xls. Najpierw jednak dowiedz się dlaczego […]